A CV in the making

or rather, About Me.

My fantastic educational experience started with my home-school education from 1st grade to high school graduation, after which I intended to study the classics at a tiny Catholic liberal arts college. Then life threw some interesting curves and I arrived at UNH, a music major and self-taught pianist. Through my fascination with opera, I have learned some French, German, and Russian, and parlayed my interest in Italian into a minor and a semester abroad. Spanish and Latin were my first foreign languages, and I read the first part of Don Quixote in the original Spanish during 10th grade.

Here at UNH, I have been able to indulge in passionately sidetracked intellectual pursuits such as linguistics, the bassoon, and geology. In an ideal world, I could combine my odd skill sets with my dream job: (music) librarian. I go now in search of this ideal world and the dream job, writing madly all the way.