Friday, June 10, 2011

Books for summer and beyond

It's summer, and I have more time to read. Here are 27 of the books which I return to over and again, in no particular order, with some quick keywords and Google or Amazon previews when possible. I could write blurbs about all of them, but in most cases the previews explain better than I could. Suffice it to say that what I love most about a book is an author you can connect with, and handsome writing.

Davies, Norman: Europe: a History not so conservative European history
Mumford, Lewis: The City in History
Johnson, Paul: Modern Times conservative American history
Gould, Steven Jay: Wonderful Life on the Burgess Shale fossil deposit
Tolstoy, Leo: Anna Karenina
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Short Stories try “The Great Stone Face” and “The Wives of the Dead”
Morrison, Samuel Eliot: Old Bruin - life of Matthew C. Perry
Gombrich, E. M.: Little History of the World
Sandburg, Carl: Remembrance Rock nostalgic American epic
Van Loon, Conrad: Van Loon's Lives quirky biography
Dickens, Charles: Dombey and Son
Dawkins, Richard: The Ancestor's Tale evolution in fast rewind
Cozzens, James Gould: By Love Possessed
Russo, Richard: Straight Man college professor humor
Barbery, Muriel: The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Schmitt, Eric Emmanuel: Il Lottatore di Sumo che non diventava grosso *not yet in English that I can find, but well worth the read if you speak Italian.
Atkins, Peter: The Periodic Kingdom chemical geography
McPhee, John: Annals of the Former World *a collection of 5 books* geology and America
Robertson, Don: Praise the Human Season a shared life
Melville, Herman: Moby Dick beautiful words
Conroy, Frank: Body and Soul a musical life
Helprin, Mark: Freddy and Fredericka Charles and Diana
Sobel, Dava: Longitude John Harrison’s chronometer
Livy: Ab Urbe Condita *links to books 1-8, 9-38 also available* nostalgic Roman history
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander: The Cancer Ward humanity 
Connolly, John: The Book of Lost Things modern fable
Steve Hely: How I became a famous novelist book humor